We’re finally getting it—or at least, we’re getting closer. There’s a growing understanding that the key to helping physicians, hospitals and health plans improve care quality, reduce cost and enhance the patient experience is freeing data. Putting it to work. Getting it out of those silos!
What’s the point of having data if we’re not going to use it to improve healthcare? As CEO of the Inland Empire Foundation for Medical Care for almost 25 years, I know that sharing data works. When the right hand knows what the left is doing, we’re afforded endless opportunities to make healthcare better.
Eight years ago, Southern California’s Inland Empire region was a leader in our state’s effort to ensure that EHRs could share information. By 2014 we had an exchange that helped eliminate duplicative tests and services and reduce costs. By 2017, this initiative to put data to work by sharing it grew into a robust, not-for-profit statewide health data network, Manifest MedEx (MX), now delivering real-time information to help providers care for millions of patients every day.
Read full article by Dolores Green, MX Board Member, Executive Director of Riverside County Medical Association, and CEO of Inland Empire Foundation for Medical Care, published in Modern Healthcare.