Health Records Contract to Improve Accessibility For Hospitals
The Fresno County Public Health and Behavioral Health departments are making strides to bring improved access to health records among Central Valley hospitals.
Joe Prado, interim assistant director for public health, said this project has been in the works since before the pandemic. Recently, it was approved by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors for the county to partner with Central Valley Health Information Exchange and Manifest MedEx to execute the electronic health system.
The county can officially view records within the next three months, and community data monitoring can happen within six months to a year.
Manifest MedEx partners with both Central Valley Health Information Exchange and San Joaquin Community Health Information Exchange. Manifest MedEx provides the technical infrastructure and data services, and the health information exchange partners work with the community so that at a local level, they understand what the participants need.
Read the full interview with Jason Buckner, Chief Information Officer, Manifest MedEx and Mimi Hall, VP of Public Health Innovation, Manifest MedEx, published in The Business Journal.