Preparing for a Vaccination Campaign of Unprecedented Scale

With COVID-19 cases on the rise and hospitals again overwhelmed, recent good news about three vaccine candidates provides a welcome light at the end of a long tunnel and is a stunning scientific achievement. “This will go down in history as one of science and medical research’s greatest achievements. Perhaps the most impressive,” said Scripps…

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5 Myth-Busting New Hospital ADT Notification Requirements

When doctors know their patients have been to the hospital, they can act fast to provide needed support. Widespread use of hospital event notifications is associated with all kinds of health benefits, including a 10 percent decrease in readmissions for Medicare beneficiaries. These event notifications are one of the simplest, easiest (most-bipartisan!), and most impactful changes we can…

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Here Are Four Ways California Can Improve Our Health Data Challenges

California has had strong leadership in the COVID-19 pandemic. But, like other states, we are struggling to get COVID-19 data right. Between the disclosure of a missing backlog of a quarter of a million lab results and announcement of a $15.3 million six-month contract with Optum to fix COVID-19 data, California is reckoning with health information issues. With decisive…

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The Interstate Highway System: A Model for Investing in U.S. Health Care

Driving from California to Vermont, as I did this summer, offers time to think and plenty to look at. The vast interstate highway system that I followed for much of my journey, championed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, was created in large part by the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956, which declared that building this highway system…

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How Are We Doing? Is Healthcare Technology Helping or Hurting us?

What do we want from our healthcare system? What do we need from it? And what is the role of technology in helping us feel better? There are so many ways that healthcare technology has advanced to help people live better lives in the last few decades: pacemakers, CT scans, interventional radiology, insulin pumps, digital records, genome…

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