Changes to MX Participant Policies
This serves as notice that MX is updating its Participant Policies, which can be found at https://www.manifestmedex.org/resources/, effective as of July 31, 2022.
Over the last several years, national and regional interoperability networks have become increasingly critical components of a robust exchange of health information and MX’s ability to provide the most comprehensive patient data to its customers possible. We are updating our policies to more explicitly describe how MX participates in these exchange frameworks and clearly align our practices with evolving state and nationwide norms, especially in support of CalAIM and the data sharing requirements mandated in the AB 133 legislation passed last summer. We believe that these changes will allow us to provide more and better information to all our participants, resulting in better patient care, lower costs, and more efficient and robust exchange.
A redlined version of the updated Participant Policies is available at the above referenced link. Additionally, we are providing the following summary of changes:
- Exchange Frameworks: We have included a definition of “Exchange Framework” (p.2) and the new policy PP-3 (p.10) “Participation in Exchange Frameworks.” Taken together, these set forth the requirements for MX’s participation in national and/or regional information exchanges and frameworks.
- Permitted Purpose: The definition (p.5) has been updated to remove outdated references to Meaningful Use and explicitly align with HIPAA.
- User Credentialing: Policy PP-5 (p.16) has been updated to reflect that either MX or a Participant Administrator may credential a new user. Additionally, the Authorized User Confidentiality Agreement has been incorporated into the MX Portal and is no longer required separately, saving administrative burden for our Participants.
- Offshore Access: Policy PP-22 (p.45) has been updated to further restrict MX and Participant offshoring of PHI.
These changes to the Participant Policies increase transparency on MX participation in exchange frameworks, reduce administrative burden for our Participants, and increase information security. Further, they should require little, if any, action on the part of our Participants to comply.
We are committed to our continued partnership with our Participants and ongoing efforts to provide value and better patient outcomes.
Please contact customersuccess@manifestmedex.org with any questions regarding these changes to the Participant Policies.