COVID-19 Lab Notifications in MX Notify
Primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, home care workers, case managers — these providers make up the backbone of the healthcare system, ensuring that all of us, and especially our most vulnerable, receive the care we need to be healthy. They have an instrumental role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and helping patients who are infected, but only if they know when their patients test positive for the virus.
This often doesn’t happen, leaving a critical gap. If a patient is tested in the emergency department, for example, only the ED doctor who ordered the COVID test is informed of the result, and may not know enough about the patient’s health or life to provide tailored advice. This has real consequences, especially given that patients experiencing mild symptoms can quickly deteriorate and may not know when to seek hospital care.
At Manifest MedEx, we are addressing this problem with new tools that alert providers and care managers when their patients test positive for COVID-19. Providers can receive these alerts through MX Notify, which sends similar real-time notifications for hospital admissions and discharges (ADT’s) or receive a daily report of each of the cases. These alerts ensure that care teams have the information they need to effectively counsel their most vulnerable patients, and that patients have all they need to recover from the disease at home and know when to seek additional care. They are just one of the ways in which MX is working to address the COVID outbreak with its participants.
If you have questions or would like help getting started, email MX Customer Success at customersuccess@manifestmedex.org with “COVID-19 Support” in the subject line. We are so grateful for the work you are doing to keep our communities healthy and care for our loved ones during this pandemic. We hope these additional tools support your efforts. As always, we welcome your feedback.