Data Sharing Agreement Draft Policies Discussed and Released for Public Comment
Earlier drafts of these new P&Ps were discussed at the CalHHS DxF Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) and DSA P&P Subcommittee meetings. Manifest MedEx sits on both committees, and while we are still reviewing the revised draft P&Ps, we are pleased to see CDII incorporate important feedback that we shared. CDII now seeks public input on specific questions as well as the revised draft P&Ps more broadly. Public comments are due by Tuesday, February 14. The template and instructions for submitting comments can be found on CDII’s DxF website.
The most recent IAC meetings also began covering CDII’s proposed approaches to designing and administering the Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO) and the DSA Grant Programs. QHIOs are networks that will be designated by the State as having demonstrated their ability to help Participants meet DxF requirements. MX both plans to apply to become a QHIO and supports having rigorous criteria for their selection. The DSA grants are intended to financially assist DSA signatories—such as providers, hospitals, and health plans—to onboard to a QHIO as well as other technical and operational activities to implement the DSA.
With a combination of well-crafted P&Ps, robust QHIO criteria, and thoughtful distribution of grants from the State, MX is confident we are on track to make the goals of the DxF achievable and successful for our network. We encourage our Participants to review and sign the DSA through the CDII portal by January 31st (the statutory deadline for organizations required to sign).