“Data Exchange Framework Updates: Available Grants and QHIOs” Webinar Recap
The CalHHS Data Exchange Framework (DxF) comprises a single Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) and common set of Policies and Procedures (P&Ps) that will govern the exchange of health and social services information among health care entities and government agencies beginning January 31, 2024.
Most healthcare organizations are required to share health information by 2024, and more than 1,400 organizations have signed the DSA!
To provide direct support to DSA Signatories to meet their data sharing requirements, CalHHS will be administering up to $47M in funding through DSA Signatory Grants to subsidize their implementation efforts. The CalHHS grant program offers two different types of grants that can be used to onboard Manifest MedEx.
Manifest MedEx is working to become a QHIO in the coming months. In this webinar, we review the DSA Signatory Grant program, including the process for applying for either a “QHIO Onboarding Grant” or “Technical Assistance Grant” that can help cover the costs of partnering with Manifest MedEx to meet your DxF data sharing requirements.
–Felix Su, Director of Policy, Manifest MedEx and Member, CalHHS DxF Implementation Advisory Committee
–Jason Buckner, Chief Information Officer, Manifest MedEx and Member, CalHHS Data Sharing Agreement and Policies & Procedures Subcommittee
The recording is now available here and can be viewed below. Please feel free to share with colleagues who may be interested.
Learn more from the resources discussed during the webinar:
Join our next webinar in our two-part series on Thursday, May 25th from 12 pm – 1 pm to see a demo of our products and services, and learn how Manifest MedEx can help you meet the data sharing requirements.
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