Manifest MedEx to Begin NCQA Data Aggregator Validation for Measure Year 2021
MX will soon begin the process of validating participant data for the NCQA Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) program again, following our successful completion and validation for MY 2020. This program involves audits of MX data, policies, and procedures to benefit the data quality for the entire network. Receiving NCQA DAV status demonstrates that data within MX is substantiated by the original EHR source and allows MX data to be used by our health plan participants as standard supplemental data for HEDIS measurements, reducing the plan’s audit burden and the necessity for each plan to individually retrieve charts from clinical provider participants. MX is one of only four data aggregators in the country with validation status. MX will be engaging with provider participants selected by our NCQA auditor in August to retrieve clinical charts. We appreciate your help and collaboration on our data quality initiatives.