MX August Newsletter
A monthly roundup of news and updates from MX
August 2022 Edition
Manifest MedEx Awarded Contract for
Surveillance and Public Health Information Reporting (SaPHIRE)
We are excited to announce that after a rigorous application process and the submission of a competitive bid, Manifest MedEx has been awarded a contract with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to implement a 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week solution to securely ingest and process electronic lab results for CDPH’s new Surveillance and Public Health Information Reporting and Exchange (SaPHIRE).
Launched in 2020, SaPHIRE, formerly known as California COVID-19 Reporting System (CCRS), was developed to collect, track, and report Covid-19 lab results, supplementing CalREDIE, California's disease registry system. More than 400 independent, hospital, and outpatient labs and other entities submit lab results directly to SaPHIRE.
Read the full press release to learn how Manifest MedEx will collect and report lab results across the state to support public health efforts.
MX Welcomes New Participant!

- Focus on patient wellness, prevention, and quality of life
- Curb unnecessary emergency and inpatient utilization
- Impact care coordination across specialties and health services
- Optimize office efficiency by using best practices
- Maximize practice revenue.
We are happy to be able to support these efforts and American Choice Healthcare’s continued expansion.
Participant Bright Spot

As a non-profit Medicare Advantage organization, Inter Valley Health Plan (IVHP) has been serving members throughout the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange counties since 1979. IVHP’s mission is to provide exceptional health coverage by providing high-touch care to its member population, which includes health education and wellness programs for the community and dedicated teams of medical and administrative professionals that serve as the backbone of the health plan.
IVHP is committed to ensuring their members get timely, appropriate care and continually strives to provide the best member experience. One example is the Benefits & Eligibility (B&E) team, who wanted to streamline internal intake processes for hospital notifications to improve utilization review.
Learn how health plans can access longitudinal patient records with Manifest MedEx tools to improve workflows.
MX Analyze Product Transition
Manifest MedEx is committed to providing exceptional value and the best experience for our participants. In response to participant feedback, we’re excited to announce that we’re enhancing our MX Analyze capabilities and will be transitioning functionality out of the MX Analyze User Portal to streamline performance, improve the quality of reporting, and save participants’ time.
The MX Analyze dashboard features will be replaced with MX Analyze data services and reports generated directly from MX’s data platform, allowing participants to bring data from MX directly into their own systems to meet their specific needs. This includes a range of analytics and data services based on patient/member populations, such as NCQA certified data to save time on HEDIS reporting, clinical notes to simplify and improve risk adjustment, population health analytics to understand patient trends and targets for outreach, and more.
Starting September 19, 2022, MX Analyze users will no longer access data and analytics through the MX Analyze User Portal. Customer Success representatives will work with participants directly to identify the MX Analyze reports and/or data feeds that best meet their needs and set them up with the right service. For more information related to the MX Analyze update, please contact your Customer Success representative or view our FAQs here.
Not using MX Analyze reports or data services yet? Reach out to your Customer Success representative or email us at customersuccess@manifestmedex.org to learn more about how you can get powerful clinical and claims data to help you provide better care and reduce costs.
News and Events
COVID-19 has highlighted the deep disparities in health and health access plaguing our communities. It has also underscored that data gaps perpetuate inequities and block progress. Improving health equity requires quicker insights and better data. To address these issues, and succeed in California’s bold Medicaid transformation plans, Manifest MedEx hosted a discussion that emphasized the importance of needing deeper integration, more seamless transitions, and faster intervention, all enabled by sharing, integrating, and using data in new ways and at scale.
This insightful conversation was moderated by Abner Mason, Founder & CEO of SameSky Health, featuring:
- Adimika Arthur, Executive Director, HealthTech 4 Medicaid
- Karen Larsen, Chief Executive Officer, The Steinberg Institute
- Lakshmi Dhanvanthari, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Health Plan of San Joaquin
The full recording and the additional resources discussed in the webinar are now available here.
Join Erica Galvez, CEO of Manifest MedEx at the virtual Tech Forum on September 9th, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT, hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information (ONC). HL7®’s FHIR® standard has ignited a flurry of innovation and development contributing to profound changes in the US healthcare system. Payers, providers, and other stakeholders are rapidly deploying FHIR APIs that enable more efficient information exchange and enhance patient access to their health records. Panelists will discuss how their organizations implement or use FHIR APIs to transform healthcare, challenges they’ve had to overcome, and lessons learned along the way.
Click here to register for the event.
We welcome you to join Mimi Hall, Vice President of Health Innovation at Manifest MedEx, as she moderates the "Health Equity Starts with Health Data" panel at the 2022 Annual CHEAC Meeting on October 5th, from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT. This panel of experts will share their thoughts on how California can tackle health equity by planning collaboratively, modernizing data sharing, and building working health data exchanges that include partnerships across multiple sectors, including public health. Panelists will share real California examples, including health data as a utility to provide insights into community conditions and target resources to address disparities. In addition, the panelists will also share how data sharing has been key to advancing Whole Person Care, CalAIM, and PATH efforts.
Click here to register for the event.
Network Growth

New data sources available on MX today:
ADTs from the following 10 participants:
Bear Valley Clinica Medica Familiar
Blessing Community Health Center
Hesperia Clinica Medica Familiar
Richard E. Uhler, D.O., Inc.
Shima Hadidchi, M.D., A Professional Corporation
Singh, Ravinder - M.D. (2 locations)
Susan Biegel M.D.
The Children's Doctor
Valerie C. Altavas, M.D., A.M.C.
CCDAs from the following 21 participants:
Anupama Sharma, M.D., Inc. (2 locations)
Bear Valley Clinica Medica Familiar
Blessing Community Health Center
Chinatown Service Center (4 locations)
Douglas F. Carrasco, M.D., Inc.
Hesperia Clinica Medica Familiar
Jason A. Black M.D., Inc.
Primehealth 360, Inc. (2 locations)
Richard E. Uhler, D.O., Inc.
Shima Hadidchi, M.D., A Professional Corporation
Singh, Ravinder - M.D. (2 locations)
Susan Biegel M.D.
Tenet Healthcare
The Children's Doctor
Valerie C. Altavas, M.D., A.M.C.
Lab data from the following participant:
Tri-State Community Healthcare Center (2 locations)
Have questions or want to learn more? We're here to help. Reach out.
We want to hear from you! Let us know how we're doing.