MX July Newsletter
A monthly roundup of news and updates from MX
July 2023 Edition
2023 MX Access & MX Notify Enhancements
Manifest MedEx is committed to providing exceptional value and the best experience for our participants. In response to participant feedback and as part of our commitment to support California’s Data Exchange Framework and serve as a crucial part of the state’s health data infrastructure, we are making a series of enhancements to our tools and products that will help streamline performance, improve the quality of reporting, save participant time, and provide a better user experience.
These enhancements will also help us scale and provide with you more quality data as California continues to expand health data sharing with initiatives like the DxF and CalAIM, which both require robust health information exchange.
Specific to MX Access and MX Notify, participants can look forward to the following enhancements in Q4:
- Updated Web-based Portal with Integrated ADT Notification and Longitudinal Health Record Solution. Enjoy a simplified user experience as we integrate MX Notify and MX Access in a single solution. MX will also have broader capabilities to deliver notifications and messages beyond just ADTs (e.g., custom notifications) to alert care teams and trigger appropriate care coordination.
- Improved Mobile Experience. Easily access MX’s web-based tools via mobile devices.
- Enhanced User Interface. View a streamlined user interface with enhanced design that makes it easier to get the information you need, saving time and improving patient outcomes.
- USCDI v2 Support. Access the expanded clinical data set defined by USCDI v2 across MX products/services, which includes more information about social drivers of health (SDOH), care team members, and sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).
- Enhanced FHIR Capabilities. HL7’s newest standard, known as FHIR R4 or HL7 FHIR®, is the future of data interoperability – enabling MX to securely share data through FHIR APIs.
We are committed to helping our participants get the most out of these enhancements, and your Customer Success Account Manager will contact you to review our enhanced capabilities and provide training for MX Access and MX Notify in October and November.
Questions? Please feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Account Manager at customersuccess@manifestmedex.org.
MX Network Growth: Clinical Care Summaries from Kaiser Permanente
As part of the enhancements to our products and tools we’ve planned for this year, Manifest MedEx is excited to announce we are now bringing clinical care summaries from Kaiser Permanente Northern California and Southern California (aka Kaiser Permanente California) into the MX system when we know that an episode of care is occurring at a hospital on the MX network.
This means that MX can provide a more comprehensive health history for patients who have previously received care at Kaiser Permanente and are currently receiving care at a hospital on the MX network.
This represents considerable network growth for Manifest MedEx, bringing substantial value to our participants. Kaiser Permanente captures about 27 percent of health plan market share in California, with approximately 4.6M members in Northern California and 4.9M members in Southern California.
All care summaries coming into the MX system, including those from Kaiser Permanente, are available in MX Access (both discretely throughout the portal and in the documents tab), as well as the following MX data services: CCDA Forwarding, Clinical Notes for Risk Adjustment, longitudinal patient summaries, and clinical extracts for HEDIS reporting
This treatment-driven exchange is facilitated through our participation with national networks, like eHealth Exchange and Carequality. Manifest MedEx is the only statewide nonprofit HIO in California that exchanges health data with national and other regional networks to bring care teams the most comprehensive health history possible.
We look forward to letting you know about additional planned data sources in the coming months as we continue to expand our data network, streamline health information exchange, and work to implement the DxF broadly across the state.
Data Sharing Agreement (DSA): Round 2 Signatory Grants and Policy Updates
On June 30, the CalHHS Center for Data Insights and Innovation (CDII) launched Round 2 of applications for DSA Signatory Grants, which are intended to help offset the costs incurred by health and social service organizations in their technological investments to meet DSA requirements. Round 2 will run through September 1. Importantly, CDII has expanded funding eligibility in this round to include voluntary DSA Signatories such as counties and social service providers.
Organizations that have signed the DSA and need to acquire technical support and capabilities to meet DSA requirements are encouraged to apply for these DSA Signatory Grants ASAP. If your organization is not already a participant of Manifest MedEx and is interested in partnering with MX as your technology solution to comply with and benefit from the Data Exchange Framework (DxF), contact us at info@manifestmedex.org for support with completing your grant application.
On July 20, CDII convened the DxF Implementation Advisory Committee for a brief set of policy updates and discussion. In response to Committee members’ questions and comments about Assembly Bill 1331 (Wood), CDII acknowledged awareness of this pending state legislation, which would establish the CalHHS Data Exchange Board to review and approve future modifications to the DSA and its Policies and Procedures (P&Ps). The bill would also give CDII DxF enforcement authority and responsibilities, such as:
- Developing a framework for investigating potential violations of the DSA and P&Ps;
- Reporting violations to appropriate state regulatory entities to ensure execution of the DSA, and compliance with the DSA and P&Ps; and
- Submitting an annual report to the State Legislature that includes required signatory compliance with the DSA.
The Legislature must pass AB 1331 by mid-September for the Governor to consider signing the bill into law. Manifest MedEx is proud to join consumer and health equity groups, providers, health plans, and other health information organizations in supporting AB 1331. We applaud the bill’s provisions that would require Qualified Health Information Organizations (QHIOs) to be nonprofit entities willing to serve any provider, health plan, or public health organization. These QHIO principles are essential for ensuring the DxF advances digital health equity.
On July 25, CDII held an Information is Power webinar focused on “Demystifying Data Exchange Scenarios.” The examples underscored the importance of hospitals and primary care teams relying on QHIOs to send, receive, and forward ADT notifications. CDII has indicated plans to release the final QHIO application shortly. Manifest MedEx looks forward to responding and will keep our current and prospective Participants apprised of all our steps to earn QHIO designation by the end of this year.
This month CDII also launched a new website to educate DSA signatories and other stakeholders about the significance of the DxF, and updated its FAQs to clarify that Independent Practice Associations (IPAs) “are required signatories to the DSA and, as Participants, are required to exchange the [Health and Social Services Information] they maintain like any other Participant.”
Follow us on LinkedIn @Manifest MedEx, Twitter @ManifestMedEx, and visit our DxF resource center to stay updated on the Data Exchange Framework, Data Sharing Agreement, QHIO Program, Signatory Grants, policy updates, and upcoming events!
Participant Bright Spot
Aria Community Health Center (ACHC) is a federally qualified health center (FQHC) and Enhanced Care Management (ECM) provider committed to increasing access and improving the health and wellness of underserved and vulnerable patient populations. ACHC achieves this mission by providing personalized, high-touch patient care that addresses individual needs with respect, courtesy, and quality service throughout Fresno, Kings, and Tulare counties.
ACHC goes the extra mile to ensure that their patients get the resources, touchpoints, and follow-up care needed to positively impact their quality of life. The care coordination they provide includes meeting high-risk patients at the hospital if they are admitted so that their care managers can ensure the patients feel supported and get the care and community resources they need. ACHC also partners with the County of Fresno Public Health Department to advance health literacy programs within rural communities and runs a mobile clinic for patients who may not have access to a primary care provider or reliable transportation.
ACHC joined the Manifest MedEx (MX) network in April 2022 to access admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) notifications through MX Notify and longitudinal patient health records through MX Access. ACHC has utilized the MX suite of tools to improve their workflows and provide more timely and better coordinated care for both their ECM population and their full roster of patients.
Visit our website to learn how ACHC utilizes ADT notifications to support enhanced care management and improve care for vulnerable populations.
News and Events
Mark your calendars for the Civitas Networks for Health 2023 Annual Conference from August 20-23rd to hear regional and national thought leaders to discuss partnerships for health transformation.
Register here to gain access to Civitas' Virtual Pre-Conference recording where Manifest MedEx's Vice President of Public Policy and Partnerships, Mimi Hall, will joined John Ohanian, Chief Data Officer at the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS), and Director at the Center for Data Insights and Innovation (CDII); and Kristine Toppe, Assistant Vice President of State Affairs for the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) in a discussion on Advancing Health Data Exchange for a "Healthy California for All" highlighting the importance of collaboration between health entities in exchanging health information and its impact on health equity and patient care on both state and federal levels.
In addition, Erica Galvez, CEO, Manifest MedEx will join Kathryn Bingman, Vice President of Interoperability Adoption at eHealth exchange and Phil Beckett, PhD, Chief Executive Officer at C3HIE in a panel discussion titled, "TEFCA From a Participant Perspective Unconference." You don't want to miss this event!
Register here to learn more!
California has bold goals for transforming health care, strengthening public health, and advancing health equity with seamless health data exchange. To achieve the goals driving these efforts, our public health agencies need to invest in data science and data infrastructure modernization. Exchanging timely health information is critical to addressing health disparities, managing communicable disease, addressing the whole person, and improving community health outcomes.
Mimi Hall, Manifest MedEx's Vice President of Public Policy and Partnerships, is excited to join Laura Young, Executive Director at San Diego Health Connect; Wayne Enanoria, PhD, Chief Science Officer at the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department; and Dr. Shadi Barfjani, Senior Deputy Director of Public Health Services at the San Joaquin County in a discussion titled, "Modernizing Public Health Data Infrastructure for the Future: Lessons Learned from the Field" at CHEAC's annual meeting.
Register here to attend the conference and catch this session.
Network Growth

New data sources available on MX today:
ADTs from the following 3 participants:
Bolivar Family Medical Clinic (2 locations)
Vanessa Ho, M.D. (Neighborhood Health Systems)
CCDAs from the following 6 participants:
Bolivar Family Medical Clinic (2 locations)
Cardiology Specialists Medical Group, Inc.
Premium Care Clinic
Upland Ontario Medical Clinic
Vanessa Ho, M.D. (Neighborhood Health Systems)
Lab data from the following 29 participants:
Arlington Physicians Choice A Medical Corporation
Aruna Pallapati, M.D., Inc.
Clinica Medica El Buen Samaritano
Choice Physician's Network, Inc.
Corona Medical Center, A Professional Corporation
Formula Medical Group
Harsha Sheth, M.D., Inc.
Hisham Abukamleh, M.D., Inc.
Ivy Springs Medical Care, Inc.
Joel Q Velasquez, M.D., Inc.
Larry C. Hughes, M.D., Inc.
Milan Kim, M.D.
Mommy And Me Medical Group, Inc. (2 locations)
Montclair Vida Health Clinic
Moreno Valley Urgent Care, Inc.
Palm Desert Pediatrics, Inc.
Perez & Perez Medical Corp
Perris Valley Medical Group, Inc.
Quality Care IPA Inland Empire, Inc.
SAC Health System
Southern California GI & Liver Centers
Sunshine Pediatrics Medical Group AKA Ching-Chih David Huang, M.D., Inc.
Sushil Anand & Associates Medical Corp DBA American Pediatrics (4 locations)
Unique Pediatrics
Vanessa Ho, M.D. (Neighborhood Health Systems)
Have questions or want to learn more? We're here to help. Reach out.
We want to hear from you! Let us know how we're doing.