MX November Newsletter
A monthly roundup of news and updates from MX
November 2024 Edition
A Message of Gratitude from MX
Upcoming Changes to the MX Customer Success Account Management Team
As Manifest MedEx works to support California stakeholders implementing CalAIM and the Data Exchange Framework, modernizing public health data infrastructure, and improving population health across communities, MX is transforming its Customer Success Account Management team to focus on delivering value at the community and local level through regionally embedded teams that support local convening and engagement. New regional Executive Directors will spearhead these community level, grass-roots collaborations.
Healthcare is local, and we believe this community-based approach will deliver more value to participants by fostering deeper collaboration between local data trading partners.
Please note this transition has not impacted any of MX’s data services or access to MX Notify and MX Access.
During this interim period before your new regional Executive Director is in place, please do not hesitate to reach out to the following contacts for your needs:
- For help with technical questions, including password resets or access to MX products or services, please reach out to our Support team at support@manifestmedex.org.
- For questions about billing or contracts, please contact our Finance team at accountsreceivable@manifestmedex.org.
- For all other inquiries, please email info@manifestmedex.org.
In 2025, look for more opportunities from Manifest MedEx to convene with your regional data trading partners, share best practices, and find better ways to connect to serve your communities. We appreciate the commitment, dedication, and service from every member of our Customer Success team and look forward to the impact they will make as their journeys continue.
MX Product Updates
Improved Capabilities in MX Notify
We are pleased to announce that the MX Notify web application will be receiving a major upgrade in the first quarter of 2025. Over the past 12 months, MX has heard participant feedback about the current MX Notify application and has developed several improvements in response to that feedback. The planned upgrade will bring the following benefits:
- A new and modern user interface that will deliver workflow efficiencies to MX Notify users
- Support team collaboration with the ability to track notification status and user comments.
- Improved filtering, search, and export capabilities.
- Smarter email notifications that ensure each user is seeing the most up to date information.
- An optimized design that improves usability when accessed from mobile devices.
- Improved responsiveness and performance.
Please stay tuned for additional updates in the coming weeks!
More Enhanced Care Management (ECM) Data
Great news! The Inland Empire Health Plan's (IEHP) enhanced care management (ECM) enrollment information is now available in MX Access! You'll now see if an individual is an IEHP member enrolled in ECM when you click on the insurance tab in their MX Access record. ECM status is also available for Health Net and Health Plan of San Joaquin members in MX Access.
Additionally, we have updated our ECM tables in the MX Access portal. You'll now see the first table titled, "Current Enhanced Care Management (ECM)" with the first column in each table displaying an ECM Status of “eligible” or “enrolled”. A member is listed as “eligible” if they have met the criteria for ECM services but have not yet agreed to the services and/or have not been seen by the ECM provider. A member is listed as “enrolled” if they are active in ECM, indicating they have agreed to participate and have been seen by the ECM provider.
News and Events
NCQA Health Innovation Summit Recap
Earlier this month, MX’s Chief Information Officer Jason Buckner joined GroundGame.Health’s Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Abner Mason at the 2024 NCQA Health Innovation Summit, where they discussed the impact of integrating administrative claims, clinical data, and social drivers of health data to help organizations understand their patient and member populations, identify and reduce health disparities, and prioritize populations and communities that are historically underserved to advance health equity.
Did you miss NCQA’s webinar with Manifest MedEx's Chief Information Officer, Jason Buckner and Inland Empire Health Plan's Vice President of Quality, Genia Fick, moderated by NCQA's Program Manager Govinder Gill? Watch the recorded session to learn how the NCQA Data Aggregator Program positively impacts HEDIS® reporting and other quality measurement initiatives.
For many years, there have been two entirely separate conversations about data modernization in health care—one among public health agencies used to working with disease registries based on reporting requirements imposed on health care providers, and a parallel conversation among doctors, hospitals, and health plans working to streamline patient care. There’s a growing recognition, especially after the pandemic, that both communities are wrestling with the same question, and there are many ways they could work together—to make practitioners’ lives easier and to improve the nation’s health.
The Department of Health and Human Services is now steering the next evolution in the health information ecosystem, laying out standards and certifications for national information exchange that will allow records to follow a patient from one system to another. At the same time, the CDC is leading its own Data Modernization Initiative and has signed contracts for hundreds of millions of dollars with Palantir to build a data system of its own.
A major open question is how these two efforts will interact. Many HIE leaders hope that existing data exchange infrastructure can link the information networks many providers already use regularly with upgraded data systems for public health officials. Erica Galvez, CEO of Manifest Medex, California’s largest HIE, and a former official in the health technology office at HHS, says she believes many public health departments will look to existing HIEs as an “on ramp” to the nationwide network.
Read the full article published in Harvard Public Health.
Network Growth

New data sources available on MX today:
ADTs from the following 7 participants:
Bruce J Sachs, M.D., P.C.
Chinese Hospital Association
Daniel M. Villarosa, M.D.
Get Aging
Hazel Health, Inc.
Jin M. Kim, M.D., Inc.
Oak Hills Family Care
CCDAs from the following 28 participants:
Advanced Dermatology, Thomas J Hoffmann, M.D., Surgical & Medical Office, Inc. (3 locations)
Aruna Gupta, M.D., APC
Associated OB/GYN Specialists of Santa Barbara
Bruce J Sachs, M.D., PC
Community Internal Medicine, Inc.
Daniel M. Villarosa, M.D.
Dawes Family Medicine/Dawes Psychiatry
Get Aging
Jin M. Kim, M.D., Inc.
John A. Gorostiza Villanueva, M.D., Inc.
Montclair Vida Health Clinic
New Age Gastroenterology (2 locations)
Nguyen Ky, DPM
NorCal Pain Treatment Center (3 locations)
Northern Inyo Healthcare District (5 locations)
Oak Hills Family Care
Richard Park, M.D., A Professional Corporation
Rosen Personalized Medicine
Urology Specialists Of Santa Barbara, Inc.
Labs from the following 18 participants:
Asian Americans for Community Involvement (2 locations)
Castle Family Health Centers (2 locations)
Desert Nephrology
Fresno American Indian Health Project
Montes Medical Group, Inc. (4 locations)
Morgan Hill Internal Medicine (2 locations)
Santa Rosa Sports Medicine, Inc.
Seema Bir, M.D., Corp
SMG Medical Practice Group, PC
Thousand Oaks Pediatrics
Valley Pediatric Health
Visalia Family Health
Have questions or want to learn more? We're here to help. Reach out.
We want to hear from you! Let us know how we're doing.