Manifest MedEx Helps Primary Care Providers Improve Post-Discharge Workflow and Provide Holistic Patient Care
Riverside Family Physicians (RFP) is a family practice dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for patients in the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino counties). Their team of providers offer primary adult and pediatric care, including telehealth and tele-psychiatry. They also lead multiple care management programs focused on specific populations to promote whole person care.
RFP wanted their care coordination team to be able to follow up with patients after discharge without waiting for the patient to contact them. They joined the Manifest MedEx network in 2018 to access real-time health data to support whole person care before, during, and after a hospital visit. At the time, Riverside Family Physicians was participating in Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP)’s Health Homes Program, a no-cost Medi-Cal benefit that helped eligible IEHP members with certain complex chronic health conditions receive the health care and community services they needed. This program has now transitioned to the Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports program under Cal-AIM, of which RFP is a participating provider.
More recently, RFP turned to Manifest MedEx to meet their data sharing requirements under the California Health and Human Services Agency’s (CalHHS) Data Exchange Framework (DxF). As a designated CalHHS DxF Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO), MX is helping RFP meet their DxF requirements and securely participate in the DxF by exchanging data securely as required and permitted, reducing the burden on Riverside Family Physicians.
Learn more about the thriving partnership between RFP and Manifest MedEx and how it has enabled better care coordination for RFP’s patients as well as helped advance health data exchange in California more broadly to improve care across the state.