Conditions of Participation

Manifest MedEx is proud to help participating hospitals meet the new CMS ADT event notification regulations

The new CMS Rule requires hospitals, including psychiatric hospitals and critical access hospitals, to send electronic event notifications to a patient’s care team when a patient is admitted, discharged or transferred (ADT) to another health care facility.

CMS allows hospitals to exclusively use an intermediary, like MX, to meet this notification requirement.

Hospitals must be in compliance with the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule by May 1, 2021 in order to meet the Medicare and Medicaid Conditions of Participation (CoP).

MX Notify enables hospitals to comply with the CMS Rule by delivering notifications to providers based on information contained in the hospital’s ADT feed.

Providers do not need to be participants on the MX network to receive these notifications; however, hospitals do need to ensure that their ADT feeds to MX contain the information necessary for MX to deliver compliant notifications, including the following:

What information needs to be included in the notifications?

Hospital must include, at a minimum, the following information:


The name of the patient


The name of the treating provider


The name of the sending institution

The notifications generated from your ADT feed give primary care and post-acute providers the ability to proactively monitor and support their patients through the entire continuum of care.

If you have questions about whether your ADT feed enables compliance with the CMS Rule, please contact us at

While the majority of the CMS requirement is solved by the combination of your hospital’s ADT feed and the MX Notify technology, it will be important for your hospital to have written policies and procedures and a standard approach to asking and documenting patient preferences for which providers they would like to have notified about their hospitalization.

MX will provide participating hospitals with a monthly audit report of notifications delivered to support compliance.