MX Notify Know immediately: Put real-time patient encounter data to work in your organization

MX Notify is a powerful, customizable tool that updates clinicians and other care providers moments after their patients are seen in the emergency department or are discharged from a hospital
How it Works
When a patient checks into or is discharged from one of the 140+ California hospitals participating in the MX network, MX Notify delivers a customizable real-time notification to providers who are “subscribed” to that patient. The care management team can quickly contact patients post-discharge to improve care coordination and reduce readmissions.
Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) Signatory providers also receive basic ADT notifications from our California ADT Network, a separate, no-cost, electronic ADT exchange that brings in additional ADTs from hospitals, health systems, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and QHIOs that participate in the Data Exchange Framework (DxF) but are not a part of the broader MX data network.
Get more ADTs and improve patient care and reduce readmissions by joining California’s largest statewide nonprofit health information organization!
Why it Works
If you need to follow-up quickly, receiving real-time event notifications is a much smarter approach than the traditional passive portal. MX Notify helps your organization act fast to improve care coordination, reduce costly readmissions, and qualify for payments and incentives.
As a designated CalHHS Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO), partnering with MX will also help your organization meet DxF requirements and provide you access to MX’s longitudinal patient records so you can quickly get up to speed on a patient’s medical history. MX Notify and MX Access are free for all primary care providers, specialists, and clinics.