Why MX
What if you could:
Manifest MedEx—a nonprofit statewide health information network and designated CalHHS Data Exchange Framework (DxF) Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO) serving all of California— brings you the data and tools you need to help solve your problems.
Manifest MedEx—a nonprofit statewide health information network and designated CalHHS Data Exchange Framework (DxF) Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO) serving all of California— brings you the data and tools you need to help solve your problems.
We are the largest nonprofit HIO in California to participate in our statewide framework (the DxF) and the national framework (TEFCA), enabling us to help our participants join both to advance health equity and connectivity.
We are committed to supporting all DxF participants — regardless of their location, technical capabilities, or resources — to achieve CalAIM and Data Exchange Framework (DxF) goals by improving efficiency and enhancing patient outcomes.
Our mission is to provide every California organization with the information they need to improve care, enhance health, and lower costs.
Our promise is to bring you information that helps you do the hard work of improving outcomes, providing a better patient experience and reducing costs.
Manifest MedEx works everyday to get you the information you need, in the formats you need, when you need it.
We fight to break down silos. We can’t wait to see the problems you’ll solve.